Sunday, 7 August 2011

AshokLeyland Recruitment2011 | 100 Trainees inAshok Leyland

Every year, Ashok
Leyland recruits over
100 trainees, mostly
Engineers from various
campuses across the
country.These Graduate
Traineesare put through
one year's rigorous, multi-
functional training at the
Development Centre and
operating divisions before
being absorbed in a
regular assignment.
Typically, Ashok Leyland
recruits most of its
trainees through Campus
recruitment programmes.
However, in select areas, a
few openings for Trainees
may exist and if you are
interested, apply now by
clicking the button below.
We will store your
application in our
database and, as and
when the need arises, we
will get in touch with you.
At the same time, we
strongly recommend that
you periodically check the
latest job advertisements
to see whether any of the
openings match your
For More Information
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