
Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Western RailwayRecruitment 2011

Government of India
Ministry of Railways
Western Railway Sports
Headquarter Office,
Churchgate, Mumbai -
Direct recruitment of
Sports persons against
Sports Quota on Western
Railway. Applications are
invited for the following
Group-C and Group-D
posts :
1. Group –C
Vacancies - 03 posts in
various sports in the pay
scale of Rs.5200-20200
grade pay Rs.2400/2800
2. Group -C
Vacancies - 09 posts in
various sports in the pay
scale of Rs.5200-20200
grade pay Rs.1900/2000
3. Group -D
Vacancies - 14 posts in
various sports in the pay
scale of Rs.5200-20200
grade pay Rs.1800
Age- 18-25 years as on
01/01/2012. Relaxation in
age as per rules.
How to Apply
The filled in application
form along with the
required documents
should be addressed to
the Sr. Sports Officer,
Western Railway Sports
Association, Headquarter
Office, Churchgate,
Mumbai - 400020 on or
before 29/08/2011.
For More Information