Friday, 11 November 2011

Rajya Sabha Secretariat Vacancies November 2011

Parliament of India
Rajya Sabha Secretariat
Applications are invited for following posts in Rajya Sabha Secretariat in Parliament of India

1. Junior Parliamentary Interpreter (English/ Hindi) Vacancies - 04 posts
Pay-Scale - Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay: Rs. 5400

2. Junior Parliamentary Interpreter (Telugu)
Vacancies - 01 post
Pay-Scale - Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay: Rs. 5400

3. Junior Parliamentary Reporter (Hindi)Vacancies - 04 posts
Pay-Scale - Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay: Rs. 5400

4. Junior Parliamentary Reporter (English)
Vacancies - 04 posts
Pay-Scale - Rs. 15600-39100 Grade Pay: Rs. 5400

5. Executive/ Legislative/ Committee/ Protocol Assistant Vacancies - 08 posts
Pay-Scale - Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay: Rs. 4600

6. Security Assistant Gr. IIVacancies - 06 posts
Pay-Scale - Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay: Rs. 4200

7. Junior Clerk (English) Vacancies - 18 posts
Pay-Scale - Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay : Rs.2400

8. Junior Clerk (Urdu) Vacancies - 01 post
Pay-Scale - Rs.5200-20200 Grade Pay : Rs.2400

9. Translator
Vacancies - 10 posts
Pay-Scale - Rs. 9300-34800 Grade Pay: Rs. 4800

10. Junior Proof ReaderVacancies - 12 posts
Pay-Scale - Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay: Rs. 2800

11. Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade) 
Vacancies - 03 posts
Pay-Scale - Rs. 5200-20200 Grade Pay : Rs. 2400

Application Fee

Rs. 130/- to be deposited in any branch of State Bank of India in the Current Account No. 31096407809 in favour of DDO, Rajya Sabha through fee payment challan. SC, ST, Female and Ex-Serviceman candidates are not required to pay the above fee.

How to Apply
The applications in the prescribed format in all respects may be sent to Recruitment Cell, Rajya Sabha Secretariat, Room No. 629, Parliament House, Annexe New Delhi - 110001, so as to reach by 5.00 p.m. on or before 20/12/2011.

For More Information 

Application Form
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