Friday, 20 January 2012

APTRANSCO - Sub- Engineer (BE/B.Tech/Diploma)


Applications are invited On-line through APTRANSCO WEBSITE
and from 20.01.2012 to 18.02.2012(to 17.02.2012
for payment of fees) from eligible Diploma holders in EEE for filling up the following vacancies on regular basis in APTRANSCO Engineering Service.

1.Sub- Engineer (Elecl.,)

Qualification :
Must possess a Diploma in Electrical Engineering (or) Graduation in Electrical Engineering in addition to Diploma in Electrical Engineering (or) any other equivalent qualification recognized by the Board/ Government of A.P./ India/UGC/ DEC/AICTE as the case may be. NOTE: If there is any deviation from the above qualification for the above post, the candidates shall produce the equivalency certificate from the authority issuing the qualification certificate viz Registrar of the University or Secretary of the institute for accepting his/her application.

Age: Age not below 18 years and not above 36 years as on 01.07.2011
Relaxation in upper age limits permissible upto 5 years for SC/ST/BC candidates and
up to 10 years for Physically Handicapped candidates.
For in service contract workers, working in this Organization, the age at the
time of entry into the organization as contract worker will be considered

Training - Probation: The candidates appointed to the post shall be placed on Training-cum-Probation for a period of 2 years.

Written Examination Centres & Date : The written examination will be held on 04.03.2012 at 10 AM to 12 Noon. The written examination for recruitment of Sub-Engineer Elec., will be held at Visakhapatnam, Vijayawada, Kadapa, Warangal, & Hyderabad

The Applicants have to read the User Guide for Online Submission of Applications
and then proceed further.
I Step:- Payment of Fee: The Applicant should pay the prescribed Fee as per
the notification in any one of the A.P. Online centers and obtain Fee paid
receipt with Journal Number 12 digit in the first instance. Applicants can
also pay the fee through APOnline portal.
II Step:- Submission of Application: After payment of Fee, the Candidate has to
logon to the website http:// and click on APPLY
ONLINE link or directly visit to view the detailed
notification, User Guide and Application Form. The applicants have to provide
payment details (journal number and date) and upload the scanned copy of
passport size photograph with signature (see instructions for scanning and
uploading photograph with signature) and then invariably fill all the relevant
fields in the Application. Immediately on submission of application, applicant
will get an acknowledgement in the form of a downloadable pdf document.

Last Date: 18 February 12

Click Here For more Details :

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