date and time as given below for the respective category, along with the Application Form duly filled in and requisite Fee and documents
a) Qualification:
Graduate in any discipline (minimum three years’ duration) from a recognized University and conversant with Basic Computer Application, ability to speak fluent English.
b) Experience:
Four years experience in fares, reservation, ticketing, computerized passenger checkin/ cargo handling area with any airline or IATA Travel Agency or Ground Handling agency.
c) Height:
Not below 158 cms. for male and 152.5 cms. for female. (Relaxation in height of 2.5 cms to SC/ST Candidates and candidates from North Eastern Region)
d) Upper Age Limit (As on 01 Nov 2011)
Gen: 30 years
OBC: 33 years
SC/ST: 35 years
For Ex-Servicemen as per Government guidelines.
e) Emoluments – Consolidated Amount :
1st Year- Rs.15,000/- p.m.
2nd Year Rs.16,000/-p.m.
3rd Year Rs.17,000/-p.m
f) Selection Procedure:
Personal Interview on the same day or any other day as may be communicated to the candidate.
Walk-in date: 22 Nov 2011 Walk-In Registration Time :08.00 am to 11.00 am only
i) Graduate in any discipline (minimum three years, duration) from a recognized
University with ability to speak fluent English and local language and conversant with basic computer operations.
ii) Height
Not below 158 cms. for male and 152.5 cms. for female (Relaxation in height of
2.5 cms to SC/ST Candidates and candidates from North Eastern Region)
b) Upper Age Limit (As on 01 Nov 2011)
Gen: 28 years
OBC: 31 years
SC/ST: 33 years
For Ex-Servicemen as per Government guidelines.
c) All inclusive Monthly emoluments of Rs.12000/-p.m.
d) Selection Procedure:
WALK-IN DATE: 23 and 24 Nov 2011
Walk-In Registration Time: 8.00 am to 11.00 am only
(i) Applicants walking in, will have to appear for a Group Discussion, on the same day / following day(s). Those who qualify in the Group Discussion will have to appear for Personal Interview (s) on the same day / following day(s).
(ii) Note: The Application Form of the candidate, after submission of the requisite Fee, wherever applicable, would be scrutinized and prima-facie eligible candidates will be allotted a slot either on the same day / following day (s) for Group Discussion i.e. Only if found ELIGIBLE on preliminary scrutiny, the candidates will be allowed to appear for Group Discussion / Personal Interview.
a) Qualification:
Three years Diploma in Mechanical / Electrical / Production / Electronics / Automobile Engineering recognized by the State Government or ITI with NCTVT (total 3 years) in Motor Vehicle / Auto Electrical / Air Conditioning / Diesel Mechanic / Bench Fitter and Welder ( ITI with NCTVT(certificate issued from Directorate of Vocational Education & Training of any State Government with one year experience) / after passing SSC / equivalent examination with Hindi / English / Local language, as one of the subjects.
Must posses valid Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving Licence at the time of appearing for Personal Interview.
b) Experience:
Four years experience in Maintenance and Operation of Ramp Equipment and Ramp Handling Procedures at the airport. OR Maintenance and Operation of Automobile/Hydraulic Equipment from Automobile/Hydraulic Equipment Manufacturer or their Authorised Service Centre.
c) Upper Age Limit: (As on 01 Nov 2011)
Gen: Not above 30 years
OBC Not above 33 years
SC/ST Not above 35 years
(Relaxation in age for Ex-Servicemen as per Government Guidelines).
d) Emoluments:
1st year- Rs.15000/- p.m
2nd year- Rs. 16000/- p.m.
3rd Year- Rs. 17000/- p.m.
e) Selection Procedure:
Personal Interview on the same day or any other day as may be communicated to the candidate.
Walk in Date : 29 Nov 2011
Walk-In Registration Time :08.00 am to 11.00 am only
a) Qualification:
Three years’ Diploma in Mechanical / Electrical / Production / Electronics / Automobile Engineering recognized by the State Government or ITI with NCTVT (total 3 years) in Motor Vehicle / Auto Electrical / Air Conditioning / Diesel Mechanic / Bench Fitter and Welder (ITI with NCTVT (certificate issued from Directorate of Vocational Education & Training of any State Government with one year experience), after passing SSC / equivalent examination with Hindi / English / Local language, as one of the subjects.
Must posses valid Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving Licence at the time of appearing for Trade Test.
b) Upper Age Limit: (As on 01 Nov 2011)
Gen: Not above 28 years
OBC Not above 31 years
SC/ST Not above 33 years
(Relaxation in age for Ex-Servicemen as per Government Guidelines).
c) Emoluments:
1st year- Rs.12000/- p.m.
2nd year-Rs.13000/- p.m.
3rd Year-Rs.14000/- p.m.
d) Selection Procedure: Applicants walking in, will have to appear for a Trade Test including driving HMV on the same day / following day(s). Those who qualify in the Trade Test will have to appear for Personal Interview (s) on the same day / following day(s).
Walk in Date : 30 Nov 2011& 01 Dec 2011
Walk-In Registration Time :08.00 am to 11.00 am only
How to apply
Applicants meeting with the eligibility criteria mentioned in this advertisement, as on 1ST Novemeber 2011 are required to WALK-IN to the venue given below, on the date and time as indicated above, along with the Application Form in the prescribed format, duly filled in Hindi or English, and requisite documents as indicated in Para below, along with Application Fee of Rs.300/- (Rupees Three Hundred Only) by means of an A/c Payee Demand Draft in favour of “Air India Air Transport Services Ltd.”, payable at Mumbai, which is not refundable. No fees to be paid by Ex-servicemen / applicants belonging to SC/ST community. Please mention your full name on the reverse of the Demand Draft. VENUE FOR CUSTOMER AGENT/SR CUSTOMER AGENT AND RAMP SERVICE AGENT / SR RAMP SERVICE AGENT
CHENNAI 600043
For More Information Downloads/web_amended.pdf
Air India Air Transport Services Limited (AIATSL) wishes to engage Indian nationals, at the following Stations who meet with the requirements specified herein, for ground duties at Airport, on a fixed-term contract, for a period of three years, for the following posts and to maintain a waitlist:
- SR CUSTOMER AGENT – (Chennai – 07)
- CUSTOMER AGENT – (Chennai- 80)
- SR RAMP SERVICE AGENT - (Chennai - 15)
- RAMP SERVICE AGENT – (Chennai –18)
date and time as given below for the respective category, along with the Application Form duly filled in and requisite Fee and documents
a) Qualification:
Graduate in any discipline (minimum three years’ duration) from a recognized University and conversant with Basic Computer Application, ability to speak fluent English.
b) Experience:
Four years experience in fares, reservation, ticketing, computerized passenger checkin/ cargo handling area with any airline or IATA Travel Agency or Ground Handling agency.
c) Height:
Not below 158 cms. for male and 152.5 cms. for female. (Relaxation in height of 2.5 cms to SC/ST Candidates and candidates from North Eastern Region)
d) Upper Age Limit (As on 01 Nov 2011)
Gen: 30 years
OBC: 33 years
SC/ST: 35 years
For Ex-Servicemen as per Government guidelines.
e) Emoluments – Consolidated Amount :
1st Year- Rs.15,000/- p.m.
2nd Year Rs.16,000/-p.m.
3rd Year Rs.17,000/-p.m
f) Selection Procedure:
Personal Interview on the same day or any other day as may be communicated to the candidate.
Walk-in date: 22 Nov 2011 Walk-In Registration Time :08.00 am to 11.00 am only
i) Graduate in any discipline (minimum three years, duration) from a recognized
University with ability to speak fluent English and local language and conversant with basic computer operations.
ii) Height
Not below 158 cms. for male and 152.5 cms. for female (Relaxation in height of
2.5 cms to SC/ST Candidates and candidates from North Eastern Region)
b) Upper Age Limit (As on 01 Nov 2011)
Gen: 28 years
OBC: 31 years
SC/ST: 33 years
For Ex-Servicemen as per Government guidelines.
c) All inclusive Monthly emoluments of Rs.12000/-p.m.
d) Selection Procedure:
WALK-IN DATE: 23 and 24 Nov 2011
Walk-In Registration Time: 8.00 am to 11.00 am only
(i) Applicants walking in, will have to appear for a Group Discussion, on the same day / following day(s). Those who qualify in the Group Discussion will have to appear for Personal Interview (s) on the same day / following day(s).
(ii) Note: The Application Form of the candidate, after submission of the requisite Fee, wherever applicable, would be scrutinized and prima-facie eligible candidates will be allotted a slot either on the same day / following day (s) for Group Discussion i.e. Only if found ELIGIBLE on preliminary scrutiny, the candidates will be allowed to appear for Group Discussion / Personal Interview.
a) Qualification:
Three years Diploma in Mechanical / Electrical / Production / Electronics / Automobile Engineering recognized by the State Government or ITI with NCTVT (total 3 years) in Motor Vehicle / Auto Electrical / Air Conditioning / Diesel Mechanic / Bench Fitter and Welder ( ITI with NCTVT(certificate issued from Directorate of Vocational Education & Training of any State Government with one year experience) / after passing SSC / equivalent examination with Hindi / English / Local language, as one of the subjects.
Must posses valid Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving Licence at the time of appearing for Personal Interview.
b) Experience:
Four years experience in Maintenance and Operation of Ramp Equipment and Ramp Handling Procedures at the airport. OR Maintenance and Operation of Automobile/Hydraulic Equipment from Automobile/Hydraulic Equipment Manufacturer or their Authorised Service Centre.
c) Upper Age Limit: (As on 01 Nov 2011)
Gen: Not above 30 years
OBC Not above 33 years
SC/ST Not above 35 years
(Relaxation in age for Ex-Servicemen as per Government Guidelines).
d) Emoluments:
1st year- Rs.15000/- p.m
2nd year- Rs. 16000/- p.m.
3rd Year- Rs. 17000/- p.m.
e) Selection Procedure:
Personal Interview on the same day or any other day as may be communicated to the candidate.
Walk in Date : 29 Nov 2011
Walk-In Registration Time :08.00 am to 11.00 am only
a) Qualification:
Three years’ Diploma in Mechanical / Electrical / Production / Electronics / Automobile Engineering recognized by the State Government or ITI with NCTVT (total 3 years) in Motor Vehicle / Auto Electrical / Air Conditioning / Diesel Mechanic / Bench Fitter and Welder (ITI with NCTVT (certificate issued from Directorate of Vocational Education & Training of any State Government with one year experience), after passing SSC / equivalent examination with Hindi / English / Local language, as one of the subjects.
Must posses valid Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving Licence at the time of appearing for Trade Test.
b) Upper Age Limit: (As on 01 Nov 2011)
Gen: Not above 28 years
OBC Not above 31 years
SC/ST Not above 33 years
(Relaxation in age for Ex-Servicemen as per Government Guidelines).
c) Emoluments:
1st year- Rs.12000/- p.m.
2nd year-Rs.13000/- p.m.
3rd Year-Rs.14000/- p.m.
d) Selection Procedure: Applicants walking in, will have to appear for a Trade Test including driving HMV on the same day / following day(s). Those who qualify in the Trade Test will have to appear for Personal Interview (s) on the same day / following day(s).
Walk in Date : 30 Nov 2011& 01 Dec 2011
Walk-In Registration Time :08.00 am to 11.00 am only
How to apply
Applicants meeting with the eligibility criteria mentioned in this advertisement, as on 1ST Novemeber 2011 are required to WALK-IN to the venue given below, on the date and time as indicated above, along with the Application Form in the prescribed format, duly filled in Hindi or English, and requisite documents as indicated in Para below, along with Application Fee of Rs.300/- (Rupees Three Hundred Only) by means of an A/c Payee Demand Draft in favour of “Air India Air Transport Services Ltd.”, payable at Mumbai, which is not refundable. No fees to be paid by Ex-servicemen / applicants belonging to SC/ST community. Please mention your full name on the reverse of the Demand Draft. VENUE FOR CUSTOMER AGENT/SR CUSTOMER AGENT AND RAMP SERVICE AGENT / SR RAMP SERVICE AGENT
CHENNAI 600043
For More Information