Tuesday, 15 November 2011

BEL Bangalore Jobs November 2011

(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
SBU , Bangalore

Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a Navratana company and India’s premier professional electronics company, requires the following Engineering professionals on contract basis for its Military Radars SBU of Bangalore Complex

Name of the Post - Electronics & Communication/ Mechanical Engineers 
Vacancies - 15 posts (12 Electronics and Communication Engineering & 3 Mechanical Engineering)
Age - 25 years

Application Fee
Crossed Demand Draft drawn on any Scheduled Bank (preferably State Bank of India) for Rs.500/- (DD of Rs. 200/- in case of SC/ST/PWD candidates) in favour of Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore. 

How to Apply 
Applications in the prescribed format filled in application should be mailed to hrmr@bel.co.in latest by 23/11/2011.

For More Information http://bel-india.com/images/itm-pdfs/8-Nov-2011-MR.pdf 

Application Form Download
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